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شات بلاد العرب -SEO blog

Yoast writes about several topics like Content SEO, Technical SEO, Analytics, eCommerce and WordPress. Don’t know where to start? Start with our SEO basics posts or our most essential publications. If you like our posts, subscribe to our newsletter!

The Yoast SEO configuration wizard

5 July 2019 | Michiel Heijmans

Have you ever done a fresh install of Yoast SEO for WordPress on your WordPress website? Or perhaps you haven’t installed Yoast SEO yet, and you’re wondering what to expect? Perhaps the better question would be: have you ever tried our Yoast SEO configuration wizard? Our wizard takes care of all the little things that …Read: “The Yoast SEO configuration wizard” Tags WordPress, Yoast SEO, Yoast SEO Premium

15 questions about ranking factors – Yoast webinar recap

5 July 2019 | Edwin Toonen

People are always talking about ranking factors. You know, the secret ingredients to Google’s magic algorithmic formula. If you know them and find a way to please these factors, you’re well on your way to that coveted number one spot — or so people seem to think. In general, chasing all these individual ranking factors …Read: “15 questions about ranking factors – Yoast webinar recap” Tags Google algorithm, Holistic SEO

What is an exit survey and why should you use it?

4 July 2019 | 3 Comments | Meike Hendriks

When you’ve welcomed your visitors to your website, you want them to stay and to hang around and, eventually, you want them to convert. Converting could mean subscribing to your newsletter, making an appointment or buying one of your products. Or maybe you have a totally different goal for your website.  But what do you …Read: “What is an exit survey and why should you use it?” Tags Google Analytics, User eXperience (UX)

Image SEO: Optimizing images for search engines

2 July 2019 | 19 Comments | Michiel Heijmans

Whether you’re a blogger or you write articles for an online magazine or newspaper, chances are you’ll find yourself asking whether your article needs an image or not. The answer is always “Yes”. Images bring an article to life and can also contribute to your website’s SEO. This post explains how to fully optimize an …Read: “Image SEO: Optimizing images for search engines” Tags Content SEO, Image SEO

Gutenberg 6.0, WPGraphQL, and WP Engine news

1 July 2019 | 1 Comment | Remkus de Vries

WordPress 5.2.2 launched last week, but of course, that wasn’t the only news happening. There was a lot going on in the world of WordPress as it was the week of the largest WordCamp Europe (over 2800 attended!). Let’s see what happened this last week! Gutenberg 6.0 The Gutenberg project kept publishing improvement after improvement …Read: “Gutenberg 6.0, WPGraphQL, and WP Engine news” Tags Gutenberg, WordPress

The snippet preview: what it means and how to use it

28 June 2019 | 15 Comments | Joost de Valk

If you want to get more clicks from search results, you need to optimize how your site looks in those search results. A single result in a set of search results is called a snippet. The Yoast SEO plugin has a snippet preview, which shows a simulation of what your post will look like in those …Read: “The snippet preview: what it means and how to use it” Tags Content SEO, Keyword research

What is a soft 404 error and what to do about it?

27 June 2019 | 4 Comments | Edwin Toonen

If you’ve been working on your site for a while, you might have come across a soft 404 error. Google Search Console might have sent you an email notifying you of a number of soft 404 errors on your site. But what are these errors? What is ‘soft’ about a 404 error? Why do they …Read: “What is a soft 404 error and what to do about it?” Tag 404 Errors

How to craft the perfect blog post: a step-by-step guide

26 June 2019 | 14 Comments | Caroline Geven

A few of the most asked questions I get as a blogger is how I manage to get traffic to my website, how I get people to stay and how I do all this without losing track. Maintaining a blog is a lot of work, but once your hard work pays off, it is definitely …Read: “How to craft the perfect blog post: a step-by-step guide” Tag Blogging

Yoast SEO 11.5: An updated mobile preview + favicon!

25 June 2019 | 15 Comments | Edwin Toonen

Yoast SEO 11.5 is out today. This release features a big change that gives you a better idea of how searchers see your snippets on mobile. Yep, we’ve overhauled the mobile snippet preview and brought it up-to-date with Google’s latest changes. And that, of course, includes that shiny favicon. Here’s Yoast SEO 11.5.  Revamped mobile …Read: “Yoast SEO 11.5: An updated mobile preview + favicon!” Tags Software Releases & Updates, Yoast SEO, Yoast SEO Premium

DIY: Duplicate content check

24 June 2019 | 3 Comments | Michiel Heijmans

Duplicate content is much-dreaded in the world of SEO. If your content lives on multiple pages on your site, or other websites, Google might get confused and won’t know what to rank first. You’ll want to prevent duplicate content as much as possible. So, what can you do, yourself? Here, I’ll explain how to perform …Read: “DIY: Duplicate content check” Tags Content SEO, Duplicate Content, Technical SEO

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شات مزازيك اوين لاين,دردشة مزازيك الحره

شات مزازيك اوين لاين,دردشة مزازيك الحره تحدث مع أي شخص تريده ذكرًا أو أنثى دون …

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